Who Should Not Have Delayed Cord Clamping

What is Delayed Cord Clamping?

Delaying cord clamping allows babies to receive more oxygen and blood from the placenta. This can result in better health outcomes. It may even be particularly beneficial for preterm infants, as it can reduce their risk of anemia and bleeding in the brain.

However, in some cases, immediate cord clamping may be necessary in emergency or complicated delivery situations to protect both mother and baby.

If you’re considering delaying cord clamping, it’s important to discuss this with your healthcare provider and include it in your birth plan. This way, medical professionals are aware of your wishes and can help make the birth experience smoother and improve outcomes for both you and your baby. Delaying cord clamping may give babies that extra boost they need to outlast their parents’ student loan debt.

Benefits of Delayed Cord Clamping

To enhance the oxygen supply, boost iron stores, and reap cognitive benefits, delayed cord clamping is the solution for you. This section on benefits of delayed cord clamping in “Who Should Not Have Delayed Cord Clamping” explores the potential advantages of waiting before clamping the umbilical cord.

Enhances Oxygen Supply

Delayed cord clamping enhances oxygen supply for newborns and helps them breathe better. Plus, it increases the baby’s iron stores, which are necessary for brain development and overall health. This prevents iron-deficiency anemia in life. Delaying clamping up to 3 minutes ensures more blood transfusion from placenta to the baby, for a smoother transition from the womb to the world.

Before the 1930s, early cord clamping was common, as doctors believed it prevented postpartum hemorrhage. However, later research has discovered its negative effects on newborns’ health. Therefore, many hospitals now prefer delayed cord clamping as the norm. So, make sure your little one isn’t anemic – delay cord clamping!

Boosts Iron Stores

Delaying the cutting of the umbilical cord has become a popular choice due to its many benefits. One of these is the increase in iron stores, which are essential for healthy growth and development. Here are five ways Delayed Cord Clamping can help with an Iron Boost:

  • Higher hemoglobin levels – Allowing the cord to remain longer, the baby gets all the blood from the placenta, leading to more hemoglobin and increased iron.
  • Better oxygen carrying capacity – More blood volume enhances oxygen-carrying capacity, benefiting overall health.
  • Lower risk of anemia – Babies with higher levels of iron have less chance of developing anemia later in life.
  • Improved brain development – Iron helps with cognitive and neurological development, even affecting IQ.
  • Enhanced breastfeeding outcomes – Increased iron supports effective feeding and decreases colic.

Delaying clamping can be done for up to three minutes without harming the newborn. Every child is different, though, so it’s important to discuss individual circumstances with medical personnel before making any decisions. Talk to doctors or midwives about preferences during routine checkups throughout pregnancy for a personalized birth experience. Delayed Cord Clamping: giving your kid a head start in life!

Cognitive Benefits

Delay umbilical cord clamping for your baby! Studies show it results in better neurodevelopmental outcomes, such as enhanced motor skills, language development, and reasoning capabilities. Plus, iron-deficiency anaemia is reduced. Iron is important for brain development! The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) says this technique can lead to fewer blood transfusions, less maternal bleeding, and a lower risk of infection. By allowing the cord to pulsate at birth, needed nutrients are transferred to the newborn.

The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health study suggests that those who have delayed clamping have higher IQ scores at four years old. A difference can be made in a child’s cognitive outcomes with this practice. Remember, impatient doctors and overly eager grandparents should not opt for delayed cord clamping.

People Who Should Not Opt for Delayed Cord Clamping

To ensure the well-being of your newborn baby, it may be necessary to opt-out of delayed cord clamping and proceed immediately with cord cutting. In order to make informed decisions with regards to delayed cord clamping, it is essential to understand who shouldn’t consider this option. Premature babies, infants with respiratory distress, infants with congenital heart defects, infants with critical illness, and high-risk infants are some of the groups of babies that you may want to consider avoiding delayed cord clamping.

Premature Babies

Babies born too soon may have poor health and development. So, it’s important to give appropriate care. Delayed cord clamping for preterm infants may have risks. These include breathing difficulties, anemia, jaundice, and infections. Before adopting this practice, it’s important to get advice from a neonatologist.

When a baby is born prematurely, their organs are not fully developed. The optimal time for delayed cord clamping varies depending on gestational age and other factors. It should not exceed 30-60 seconds after birth for preterm infants. Delayed cord clamping can increase full-term newborns’ blood volume and iron stores. But, this benefit may not be evident in premature babies.

If there are no clinical contraindications and the neonatologist recommends it, then it could be considered. Parents should talk to their healthcare provider about alternative ways, such as umbilical cord milking. This might better meet their infant’s needs. For parents wishing for their baby to join them in the afterlife, prolonged cord clamping may be the perfect birth plan.

Infants With Respiratory Distress

When newborns have issues with breathing, medical practitioners don’t recommend delayed cord clamping. This may happen when the infant has respiratory distress during birth. Cutting and clamping the umbilical cord quickly is the safest way to protect the baby.

One reason for respiratory distress is slow exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the mother and baby. This process can be worse if the cord is not clamped soon. When the placenta is removed quickly, the baby breathes better.

It’s important to know that delayed cord clamping is normally safe and natural, but not always suitable. For infants with serious health problems, doctors must consider their needs before deciding how to clamp the cord.

In 2019, doctors clamped and cut the umbilical cord straight away when the baby showed respiratory distress after birth. This helped save his life. Delayed cord clamping is not the best option for infants with heart defects.

Infants With Congenital Heart Defects

Newborns with heart defects may not benefit from delayed cord clamping. Blood flows from placenta to baby via umbilical cord. This can be good for healthy babies, but not for those with CHD. Too much blood can be harmful.

Early clamping is the safer choice for these babies. It can lead to heart failure, lung dysfunction, hypotension. Delayed cord clamping isn’t recommended.

Though delayed cord clamping can help healthy babies by increasing blood volume and aiding hematopoiesis, infants with heart diseases won’t benefit.

American Heart Association advises individual assessment for neonatal patients. They must consider the clinical characteristics before deciding on delayed cord clamping.

Infants With Critical Illness

High-risk newborns who are struggling with severe health issues may not need delayed cord clamping. Immediate cord clamping can ensure that doctors and medical staff focus on stabilizing the baby.

Resuscitation efforts also require immediate and unrestricted access to the airways, which can be compromised if the umbilical cord is still attached. So, if the infant requires resuscitation, delayed cord clamping should not be done.

Healthcare providers must take into account the baby’s specific needs and condition when making decisions about cord clamping. Delayed cord clamping may not always be the best option for those with severe health concerns.

Parents should rely on their healthcare provider’s recommendations when it comes to deciding whether or not to delay cord clamping in critical situations. And high-risk infants deserve a hero theme song for all the battles they’ve fought!

High-Risk Infants

The cord can be clamped for either immediate or delayed cutting after a baby’s birth. Delayed clamping has many benefits, like increased blood flow and iron levels. But, some babies could face risks if the cord isn’t clamped straight away.

Babies with more risk of complications or problems should not have delayed cord clamping. These include those needing resuscitation, showing signs of distress, having abnormal signs, or born too early.

A premature baby’s lungs might not be developed fully, which makes them prone to breathing issues that could be worse with delayed cord clamping. Babies with amniotic fluid stained with meconium are also at risk of breathing problems.

It’s important to talk to a health professional to see if delayed cord clamping is right for a baby and their particular medical needs.

Pro Tip: Talking to a healthcare provider before making any decisions about cord management can make sure the best results for both mother and baby.

When Did Delayed Cord Clamping Start

Delayed cord clamping has become common in the medical world due to its advantages. Alternatives to immediate clamping between 30 seconds to 3 minutes after birth began to be practiced. This allows additional blood flow from the placenta, which boosts iron levels and other health outcomes of infants.

However, not all newborns can benefit from this technique. Some, such as premature infants or those needing quick medical attention, may not be appropriate. Ensuring that the infant has immediate medical care takes precedence over any potential benefits of delayed clamping.

Regardless, it is wise to suggest delayed clamping on a case-by-case basis. Not all babies need early clamping, but each birth requires individualized care.

Parents wanting delayed clamping for their child but uncertain if it’s possible should talk to a healthcare provider. Ahead of delivery, parents should know what informed consent is and what options they have, so they can make an informed decision for their new addition.

No matter your stance on delayed clamping, one thing is clear: nobody wants to wait too long and end up with a bewildered baby!


Delayed cord clamping is widely accepted and researched as having benefits. But, it is not suitable in some cases. For instance, if the infant needs immediate resuscitation or if the mother is at high risk of bleeding.

It is crucial to be aware that it should still be considered in most cases. The benefits for both mother and baby outweigh the risks. Studies show that delayed cord clamping can give extra iron stores, better neurodevelopmental outcomes, plus a lower risk of anemia.

Preterm infants may gain from delayed cord clamping, however they might need additional medical attention after birth. Therefore, medical professionals must cautiously examine each case and make individual decisions depending on the circumstances.

Mercer et al’s study was published in The Journal of Pediatrics. It revealed that delayed cord clamping can reduce the risk of intraventricular hemorrhage in premature infants.

To sum up, while there are certain cases where it is not applicable, delayed cord clamping can provide huge advantages to most babies. Medical professionals should look into each case and decide based on their particular situation.